Don’t you hate it when you have those moments of vulnerability where you doubt yourself?
Fortunately I’m one who when faced with challenges analyzes the situation and determines a solution by strategizing and goal setting...
(In a nut shell, I’m a planner!)
I’ve been brainstorming a solution to my issue.
I’m sure other young mothers out there can feel me on this one…
Problem: How can I make sure I am keeping myself up without experiencing the self-imposed guilt that I may be taking away from my family by doing something for me?
My Solution: Ok, so here’s what I’ve worked out.
Since buying a home I’ve limited myself to eating out only 3 times a week.
An average combo meal is around $6.60, which 3 times a week is $20.
I have decided that instead of eating out on those 3 days a week, I will bring lunch from home EVERY day of the week, and using that $20 a week budget to buy something for myself.
That way I won’t feel as if I’m taking money away from my family b/c it is money I’ve already budgeted to spend.
(And I’ll also be improving my health by staying away from fast food! LOL)
I also enjoy the "little" pleasures in life and the thought of getting a small gift every week makes me smile. =D
My job isn’t far from Perimeter Mall, so one day a week I will go there on my lunch hour and purchase an item for myself within a ballpark of my $20 budget. After I make my purchases, I can come back and let you guys know how the product worked to feed my blog addiction. ;]
I’m thinking I will start with re-upping on some new makeup. I’m running out of my current stock and was hoping to try some new products.
…And this solution began TODAY!! Haha
I went to Sephora at lunch and copped a new blush!!
Super Orgasm by NARS
It’s this really pretty peachy pink blush with gold flecks.
It looks really good with my skin tone…. $25!
(OK, so I went a little over budget… but I did say “ballpark”!)
As soon as I got in the car I put the blush on and it gave me a gorgeous glow… Looks like I’ve been naughty! Hopefully that’s not sending off the wrong message with me being gone an hour for lunch… =P
Anyways, I’m super happy with the product, I feel good about the purchase and guilt free!!
Can’t wait to tell you guys about my next splurge adventure!!