The only rooms in the house I have not done any decorating in are the MAN CAVE (a.k.a. Boom Boom Room- lol) and the kid's rooms.
The Man Cave I have not touched for OBVIOUS reasons... I am NOT ALLOWED TO. =P
The girls rooms are a different story! I want to decorate them so bad!!
We just have so much going on with birthdays and family roadtrips, I don't have the money to do what I want yet.
I'm hoping by the time the warm weather is gone, when we get back into hibernation mode, that we can do some more projects around the house. The kid's rooms are one of my priorities.
Decorating for kids can be tricky.
You work all hard to make things look nice, but the bottom line is that kids mess things up. LOL
They write on furniture. They get fingerprints on the wall. They NEVER keep collections arranged attractively (think bookshelves and stuffed animals).
I want their rooms to look as nice as the rest of the house is progressing to look, but I don't want to spend a lot of money and then be angry when they don't take good care of it.
I've been looking an inexpensive kiddie decor ideas to satisfy my two concerns: Affordable & Durable Style.
Here are a few ideas I'm toying with...
1. A Fresh coat of paint!
The walls of our house came in flat paint, which sucks when you have children. I need to put a nice semi-gloss on the kid's walls so the fingerprints can wipe of with a washcloth like they were never there.
The girls have already selected their bedroom colors: Sarina wants green and Mimi wants purple. Now I just need to get busy finding ATTRACTIVE tones of those colors that go well with the warm muted sand of our trim and floorboards.
Paint is an affordable quick fix to change the look of a room. This would also be a good starting place as the color of the room can help me visualize the accessories to add.
2. Wall Decals
I want to go for a more modern style in the kids rooms, so I've been checking out websites that have elcletic removable art (b/c I like to redecorate often. =])
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